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Wet Look

My face gets shiny in the summer. How can i prevent it from looking like an oil slick?

As the temperature rises, your skin produces more oil, leaving you looking greasy. To get rid of the unintended "wet look", follow these steps:

---Wash your face twice daily with a cleanser specifically suited to your skin type. More often will cause more oil.

---Follow up by using an alcohol-free toner to remove any excess moisture.

---Don't forget to finish with an oil-free moisturizer. Clean & Clear Shine Control Moisturizer, contains micro-beads made of an ultra-fine oil-absorbing powder; they soak up excess oil so it doesn't turn to shine.

---Throughout the day, touch up with Peter Thomas Roth Oil Control Blotting Sheets. Created from Oil Control Film patented by 3M, they absorb dew without disturbing your makeup.

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