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Treating Your Clothes Well Helps Them Last Longer

What’s the best way to arrange your closet?
Organize by category, necessity and convenience. Separate work clothes from play. You can also organize by color, but don’t store light clothing next to dark.

How should you store clothes?
Use wooden or plastic instead of wire hangers. Remove dry-cleaning bags immediately so clothes won’t discolor.

What types of clothing should be folded?
Loose weaves, knits and fragile or beaded items. If you’re not planning to wear the item for two months or longer, steam it before folding.

What about bags and shoes?
Don’t hang purses or bags; instead stuff and wrap bags with acid-free tissue paper, which absorbs moisture. Cover purses and put on a shelf to protect them from light and dust. Use shoe trees for shoes and boots, and make sure all items are clean and dry before storing.

Can a closet ever be big enough?
Combat overcrowding by adding a second rack. Donate an old piece of clothing every time you buy a new one. Then buy only things that you’re wild about, no more “maybes.” If you haven’t worn something in a year, donate it.

How can you make clothes last longer?
Buy only quality, well-made garments and treat them like a temple. Wear them with respect and recognize that clothing is perishable. It must be given great care to look its best. Have things cleaned at the first sign of soil, stains or perspiration; inspect clothing after wearing it; and let it breathe before folding or hanging. Allow deodorant, hairspray and perfume to dry before you dress. Make repairs as needed, rotate your wardrobe so you don’t “overwear” specific outfits, be careful to store clothing in a dry, well-ventilated place and select a quality dry cleaner.

Can you ever ignore a dry-clean-only tag?
Dry clean your most cherished delicate clothing and learn the safest and best way to wash the rest. Think about color and fading, texture change and shrinkage before handwashing. Don’t overwash or let items soak for a long time.

Do home dry-cleaning kits really work?
Some are very effective for removing odors and relaxing or getting rid of wrinkles. They can also remove water-based stains like cola, wine, milk, etc. For oil-based stains like ballpoint ink, lipstick and body oils, stick with a professional.

Help! I spilled coffee on my favorite blouse.
People generally panic after getting a stain and take a napkin, dip it in water and rub until they think it’s gone. Never do this. Blot only, with a dry, white napkin. Stains come in two varieties: either water-based or oil-based. If you put water on oil stains, then you’re helping to set the stain. Be sure to tell your dry cleaner what it is.

What’s the hardest stain to remove?
Super Glue.

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